Our Services

We want you to empower you in your wellness.

We are committed to providing you with the highest quality and most compassionate care. Our goal with each of your visits is to work towards a sustainable, stable balance in your health. In this journey we all work together in a spirit of communication, collaboration, and harmony to offer you the best possible care, as you slowly put down roots into a healthy, happy lifestyle that meets your specific needs. 

We provide the following services:

  • SRT BioScan

  • Genetic Testing

  • Foot Bath Detoxification

  • True Rife Therapy Bulb

  • 1:1 Online Health Coaching

  • Nutrition Coaching & Weight Loss Consultations

  • Rossiter Stretching Technique

  • Full Spectrum Infrared Sauna

  • Group Functional Fitness

  • Personal One-on-One Training

SRT BioScan

$180 for initial scan

SRT stands for Stress Reduction Testing. It is a remarkable, FDA approved, testing procedure that uses a form of Electrodermal Testing. This means it tests through touch of the skin. This technology is the same as an EKG, which tests your heart, or an EEG, which tests your brain or a lie detector. The technology is able to take the reading on the body’s response to certain stressors. The results show where the client is weakened, stressed or balanced. Substances such as toxins, chemicals, food, emotions, and more are converted to a digital format, and presented in a form of sound and light. This allows for the client’s assessment testing, down to the molecular level, makes it possible to access thousands of substance sensitivities in mere minutes.

Electrodes are attached to the patient’s middle fingers at a specific acupuncture point, and a pulse is put through that point to take the measurements. Trisha is then able to assess the client’s current state of stress and make recommendations according to what shows on the scan. The client will receive a printout of all the testing, progress and changes will be monitored.

Foot Bath Detoxification

$95/hour with packages available

An Initial SRT BioScan must be done before scheduling. 

In our modern world we are exposed to a tremendous toxic load, our foods are sprayed with pesticides, our water has chlorine, the air we breathe is polluted, and our cleaning supplies, soaps, shampoos and detergents are loaded with chemicals. In order to maintain our health, ongoing periodic detoxification is important. In some individuals, detoxification pathways can be overburdened and unable to purge toxins properly.

The Ion Pro Wave device produces a frequency energy that is transmitted through the water and into your body.  The frequency energy travels throughout your body, using the same pathways recognized in reflexology and acupuncture.

The frequency energy recharges internal organs and mobilizes toxins that can be removed from the body naturally into the footbath through the pores of your feet.
The Ion Pro Wave also changes the dynamics of the water molecules that your feet are bathing in.  Regular water molecules are composed of two Hydrogen atoms and one Oxygen atom.  The Ion Pro wave device removes one of the Hydrogen atoms from the water molecules, as seen by the bubbles in the water.  When the molecules lose a hydrogen atom, the remaining OH (hydroxide) molecule takes on a negative charge.  This is the same as walking along the beach. Your body absorbs millions of the these negatively charged ions, which alkalize the blood and body tissues.

Because of poor diet and high stress, we tend to accumulate and store excessive quantities of waste products, such as diacetic, lactic, pyruvic, uric, carbonic, acetic butyric and hepatic acids. The Ion Pro Wave System creates precisely the same environment as a walk along the beach, only more powerful. Not only are your feet in direct contact with the ions being manufactured in the water, but you are receiving beneficial frequencies.  Once your feet are in the water and the unit is turned on, within seconds, millions of ions enter your body and begin to neutralize the acid waste within.  The cellular debris found in the water, after the Ionic Pro Wave treatment, reflects the waste that has left your body during the session.  

The Ion Pro Wave System is designed as a frequency delivery device and should NOT be compared to other foot-bath systems making claims that the change in the watercolor is ALL coming from you. Ionized water will normally turn a light amber color.

Service Options

Package Options

At McCurdy Health & Wellness, our first approach is to assess the client on the SRT BioScan. A plan including sessions with the Foot Bath Detoxification is then set in place.

Any factors that can be contributing to stress in the body are addressed, including digestive problems, multiple chemical sensitivities, heavy metal toxicity, mold toxicity, electromagnetic exposure and nutrition.

The client’s plan is individual for their situation, including diet and lifestyle changes, as well as herbs and supplements. 

Genetic Testing


Includes the test, lab results, & one-on-one consultation to build a lifestyle & nutrition plan

Take control of your health through customized recommendations based on your unique genetic signature. 

Benefits of Testing:

  • Specific actions through lifestyle & nutrition interventions

  • Signs & Symptoms identified

  • Recommendations given when further testing may be warranted

  • Strictest data privacy & protection

  • CLIA Certified

It tests for the following: 

  • Histamine intolerance

  • MTHFR Gene

  • Methylation & PON1 Gene

  • Energy Metabolism

  • Genetic Mutation Affecting Bile Components

  • Variations that Alter Neurotransmitters

  • SOD Enzyme (Oxidative Stress)

  • Micronutrient Absorption

  • Inflammation

  • Vitamin A

  • B12​

True Rife Therapy Bulb

$95/hour with packages available

An Initial SRT BioScan must be done before scheduling. 

Dr. Royal Raymond Rife was the inventor of the original Rife machine in the 1920’s, which was designed to resonate at specific frequencies used to destroy numerous different micro-organisms. The True Rife helps increase the body’s communication and ability to fight off different diseases, as well as rebuild, regenerate, and bring healing to different bodily systems and organs. 

By increasing the intensity of a frequency, which resonated naturally with the microbes, Rife's research indicated that if natural oscillations were increased, there was a threshold under which the microorganism was destroyed. 

This principle can be shown by using an intense musical note to shatter a wine glass: the molecules of the glass are already oscillating at some harmonic (multiple) of that musical note; they are in resonance with it. Because everything else has a different resonant frequency, nothing but the glass is destroyed.

True Rife therapy uses hundreds of different frequencies to destroy numerous types of micro-organisms (bacteria, phages, macrophages, viruses, fungus, mold, etc.). 

Each have their own unique frequency called a Resonant Frequency. True Rife therapy uses single frequencies to attack micro-organisms, as well as pairs of frequencies, selected to resonate with one frequency specific to the micro-organism, while the other frequency is selected to increase the efficacy of the resonate frequency. This also increases communication of the cells. 

Along with matching the frequency used to destroy pathogens, True Rife therapy also has the capability to match the frequency of healthy organs and tissues in the body to stimulate the rebuilding and repair of the human body.  Dr. Rife found out that healthy organs and cells in the body have specific frequencies and that matching the frequency actually reawakens dormant or unhealthy cells in a person to start properly functioning. This brings rejuvenation and repair to cells that are in need of healing.

There are literally millions of different resonant frequencies, and every species and molecule has its very own. Rife Frequency Therapy has been applied by Healthcare Practitioners for a variety of health concerns for almost a hundred years.

Service Options

Package Options

At McCurdy Health & Wellness, our first approach is to assess the client on the SRT BioScan. A plan including sessions with the True Rife Therapy Bulb is then set in place.

Any factors that can be contributing to stress in the body are addressed, including digestive problems, multiple chemical sensitivities, heavy metal toxicity, mold toxicity, electromagnetic exposure and nutrition.

The client’s plan is individual for their situation, including diet and lifestyle changes, as well as herbs and supplements. 

Nutrition Coaching & Weight Loss Consultations

$180 per Session

We are here for you to help you embrace the joy of eating well and create a healthy life you love! Our goal is to help you develop a healthy relationship with food. Simply counting calories or avoiding certain macros will never truly nourish you in a complete way. Healthy eating is about finding a balance between the science of nutrition, your own personal intuition on what feels good, understating how and why you eat, and enjoying the abundance of flavors that food provides. 

We are not all built to have a model physique. For most of us, no level of dietary restriction or exercise will change that. This is not about you eating or looking “perfect”. We are about helping you create a healthy life that you love. We will help you to create healthy habits that guide you to live your best life. 

While we will be there coaching you, providing you with expert resources on how to keep moving forward to reach your health and wellness goals, at the end of the day it’s your accountability and ability to keep going when things feel off course or feel uncomfortable that will make or break your success.

We begin by discussing your health history and any current ailments, your food preferences and patterns, as well as your challenges and goals to creating the healthy life you desire. We also determine your unique lifestyle needs and desires to lead a healthier life regarding food choices. 

Together we will guide you on how to create your own customized health and nutrition plan. We do not prescribe or endorse any particular diet because every single one of us is complex and different with unique lives, needs and bodies. We work with you every step of the way so you can develop your own customized meal plan to reach your goals. We can also provide you with recipe ideas, restaurant guidance, and lifestyle resources to optimize your personal plan of attack.

We provide four follow-up appointments that allow valuable time to “check-in”. Together we will discuss how you are doing on your plan, make any adjustments, answer questions and set new goals. These visits are all about you, getting the guidance and motivation you need to succeed. 

Monthly Health Coaching

Gym membership is included for locals!

Are you sick and tired of being SICK AND TIRED? ​Change does not come easily for most, but we are here to help make it possible. Trisha is trained in helping people find effective ways to make tiny changes that add up to huge results. She can help make it simple and enjoyable, as you embark on a journey to a new you. 

What is 1:1 online health coaching? 

  1. Custom App Access 

    • ​Specialized workouts tailored for your needs straight to your phone

    • Easily message Trisha through app

    • Integrate other apps such as: Apple Health, Google Fit, Fitbit, Garmin, MyFitnessPal, Cronometer & Zapier

    • Upload progress & food photos

    • View all assigned tasks

    • Show PR's, Milestones & Progress

  2. ​Education

    • ​​We provide guidance, plans, structure & motivation

    • Teach you about health, wellness, food, and fitness​​

  3. ​Help you Find Your Motivation

    • ​Help you find the reasons you want to make changes in your life

  4. ​Empower Change

    • ​​Guide you to postive & lasting health changes

    • Listen & understand your needs & challenges & help you troubleshoot a way out

  5. ​Provide Accountability 

    • ​​Built in accountability partner 

    • We will check in & track your progress as well as push you when you need it

    • On those days that you just feel llike giving in to bad habits or giving up all together, we will help you through it and get you back on track

Rossiter Stretching Technique

$95/hour with packages available

Daily stresses on the body are frequently ignored or over- looked. Common stressors are overuse, misuse, nonuse, injury and aging. This leads to immobility, pain and eventually disability. RST goes directly to the core problem, and releases it, often in just a few techniques.

What is RST?
Quite simply, RST (Rossiter Stretching Technique) is a powerful new way to help you get out of pain. It is a series of  stretching techniques that very quickly targets a volume of connective tissue and loosens and elongates it to relieve pain and to restore range of motion and easy movement. Each RST session is called a “workout,” because two people - client and Coach, work together to achieve results. The client remains fully clothed on a mat on the floor, and the Coach uses his or her foot to add weight to specific areas of the client’s body for each technique. The client is an active, involved participant - the person responsible for finding pain and stretching hard to remove it from the body. The techniques are unusual, but unusually effective. Many people notice positive results in a matter of minutes. Most people achieve lasting results in 2-4 sessions. What was once crunchy, thick, popping, grinding and painful will soon be smooth, open, balanced, well-oiled, and moving better! 

What Should I Expect?
The Rossiter System is a unique physical experience that combines the healing properties of deep stretching and precision connective tissue pinning to provide the ultimate full-body stretch. Rossiter sessions are quick AND RESULT based. This is NOT about time. Your session may be anywhere from 15-30 minutes.
​As long as you are able to get down onto the floor and up again, you can receive the Rossiter Stretching Technique.

What Should I Wear?
Wear comfortable loose clothes that you can stretch and bend in. All Rossiter work will take place while you are fully-clothed. Your coach will wear fresh clean socks for each client. Consider bringing easily removable shoes that you can slip on and off before and after the session.​​

RST Can Help You With: 

  • Bursitis

  • Arthritis

  • Tense Muscles

  • Tendonitis

  • Glutes

  • Hips

  • Knee

  • Foot

  • Carpal Tunnel

  • Neck Stiffness

  • Shoulder

  • Low Back 

  • Headaches

  • Elbow

  • Wrist 

  • Knots

  • Plantar Fasciitis 

  • Sciatica 

Service Options

Package Options

Full Spectrum Infrared Sauna

$35 for single 30 min session
$17 for single 15 min session
Packages available

A more enjoyable and productive sweat. Detoxification through sweat is a centuries old practice. Modern environmental medicine has proven that sweat is more than temperature regulation, it's also part of the body's elimination system. It's one of the best ways to detox your body. Infrared offers a more enjoyable, pleasant experience. It warms the body from within instead of just heating the air around you. This provides a unique opportunity for health benefits beyond a traditional sauna: 

  • Detoxification: Sweat out the toxins. Sweating is one of the body's safest and most natural ways to heal and maintain good health by helping to eliminate toxic heavy metals, drug residues, and hormone disruptors. With the deepest penetration, infrared helps increase blood flow and perspiration. 

  • Weight Loss: Increase metabolism and burn fat. Increasing core body heat increases calorie burn, similar to exercise. Infrared saunas also help with the elimination of toxins that cause fat storage. 

  • Heart Health: Improve heart health. Infrared therapy can help your heart work better by exercising the heart, temporarily reducing blood pressure, and improving circulation. 

  • Anti-Aging: Purify and rejuvenate your skin. Harness a scientifically-proven "fountain of youth" and revitalize your skin's appearance. Far infrared waves increase circulation and detoxify the skin, helping regenerate and cleanse cells. 

  • Immunity: Heating the body from inside can improve the function of the immune system just like a fever can. Therefore, regular sauna use can help reduce the incidences of cold and flu, or help you recover faster from illness. 

  • Muscle Recovery: Repair muscles faster. Many professional athletes use saunas to recover from their training and injuries. Infrared helps deliver more oxygen to cells for faster repair and pain relief. 

We added Acoustic Resonance Therapy (A.R.T) enhancement to aid in relaxation and healing, and create the ultimate sauna experience. A.R.T produces deep penetrating harmonic sound waves to complement the deep penetrating infrared rays of your sauna. The harmonically balanced flow of musical sound waves flowing through your body will enhance natural relaxation and healing. 

Service Options

Package Options


  • Wait at least 1-2 hours after eating before beginning an infrared sauna session

  • Hydrate with a minimum of 8 ounces of water to prepare for an increase in cored body temperature

Sauna Session

  • Optimal sauna experience occurs between 100 and 130 degrees Fahrenheit.  

  • Listen to your body and adjust based on what it's telling you. If you feel flu-like symptoms, get out of the sauna. 

  • Everyone sweats differently. You may not sweat during the first few sessions. Sweat will increase with regular use. We have beginner package options for 15 minute sessions.

Post Session

  • Rehydrate with 8-24 oz. of water or electrolyte drink to replenish fluids. Use your sauna session as a warm-up before exercise and continue with your next activity. 

  • Dry off with an absorbant towel and cool of naturally or with a shower.