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Trisha’s Story
I violently awoke from sleep, to a thrusting pain in my chest. I was 6 years old, with the pain tolerance of an army vet. Sleepless nights filled with coughing (maybe hacking would be a better term), wheezing, and chest pain, had unfortunately become common. Unless you have experienced it yourself, it is impossible to explain the fear that rushes through you when it takes everything within your body just to get oxygen to your lungs. I vividly remember holding back the tears of terror because I knew if I started to cry, I would completely stop breathing.
After a couple nights of this nightmare, my mom took me to the doctor. I was told that I had pneumonia and was sent home with antibiotics. When the symptoms did not resolve themselves, mom packed me up for the doctor’s office again. After many hours and much testing, I was diagnosed with asthma. Finally, an answer as to why I was suffering from so much pain and terror. I remember the first time I tried my fast-acting inhaler when I couldn’t breathe. I could see the clouds part, as the angel’s appeared and started singing their melody. After many sleepless nights, I was finally getting some well-needed rest.
Things started out good. I had my fast acting and preventive inhaler – all was good in the world. Years had passed and I had started participating in sports. Remember the pain tolerance of an army vet I was talking about earlier? I really enjoyed participating in sports but the pain I was enduring was really putting a hamper on the fun. Every practice I would sneak my inhaler three times an hour and hide the pain from everyone.
Moving on to high school, things only progressively got worse. Every two months I would have what I called an “asthma cold”. An emergency inhaler was of no use to me. Sleepless nights of hacking, wheezing, chest pain and crying of utter terror would last for at least two days. After a year of these “asthma colds”, my parents decided something needed to be done. We went back to the doctor, who sent me to a pulmonary specialist. As I walked up to the hospital doors I remembered being filled with complete excitement. I was ready for some answers as to why I was suffering so much. As I met with my doctor, and explained my situation to her, she decided to have me return the next day for testing. All right! I was on my way to get some answers! I returned the next day ready to take on whatever they threw at me. If only I could have held that excitement through the whole day. I followed the nurse down the hallway and into a cold, white room. She had me enter what I believed to be a very small rocket ship. For the next hour I did nothing but breathing exercises. It took a whole 5 minutes into the testing for me to start wheezing heavily. Unfortunately, they made me continue on for what I remember to be the most painful hour of my life. They ended the testing with a heavy dose of Albuterol (fast acting inhaler)! Hallelujah!! Once the nurse was satisfied, she walked me into another room to go over the results with my doctor. Not being impressed with my results, the doctor decided to add more medication to my regimen. I was now on Albuterol, Intal, Advair, Nasonex, and Singular. As I walked out of the hospital, I was lifeless. I had nothing left in me after all the testing, but I thought to myself, “If I no longer have to suffer from pain, this will all have been worth it.”
Thankfully, my husband’s parents were there to guide me. Having dealt with major health issues in their past, they knew exactly what I was going through. They took me to a Live Blood Analyst. Little did I know, this was the beginning of a life changing experience for me. After traveling four hours into Canada, we had finally arrived. I was a little skeptical that someone could take just one drop of my blood and tell me what was wrong with me. Feeling completely hopeless and left with no other options, I entered the office doors.
Without telling the analyst a thing about me, she read my blood as if she was reading me like an open book. She knew exactly how I was feeling without a smidge of information from me. After determining where my symptoms were coming from, she put me on a supplement plan. Two days after following the supplement plan, my migraines were gone. One week after following my supplement plan, my digestive issues, fatigue, and heart issues had subsided. Two months after following the supplement plan, I was off of all my medications except my fast acting inhaler. I had felt human again! Although I was still suffering from a minor case of asthma, I felt great.
Going through that experience had sparked a fire within me! Although I had gone to college for Business Administration, I knew that a huge life change was in my future. Knowing that there were many people out there suffering, just like I was, I felt that I needed to become a Live Blood Analyst.
Suffering from asthma was a gift from God to me. If I had never been so sick, there would not have been a reason to seek out holistic modalities. If I had never been so sick, Live Blood Analysis would not have sparked such a fire and drive within me. If I had never been so sick, I would not have become so passionate about helping others. It’s fun looking back to see how God had so meticulously mapped out my life for me. As I do Live Blood Analysis for others, I know he is with me, guiding me as I go.
I became certified as a live and dry blood analyst in August 2014 from Neogenesis systems. I have also successfully completed courses in Clinical Nutrition & Holistic Health from The Academy of Natural Health Sciences.In May of 2019, I became a certified fitness personal trainer from NASM. In June 2020, I added certified nutrition coach to the list as well, from NASM. At the end of 2020, USA Weightlifting certified me as a level 1 coach. In May of 2022, I became certified as a Rossiter Stretching Coach.